Tuesday, 15 September 2015

An update you will like :D

So guys I have some GOOD NEWS!!!! 

I am now changing my once a week blogging schedule too... a TWICE A WEEK blogging schedule This is the third blog this week, but it doesn't really count because it is a update... if you get what I mean. So you get blogs on my day-to-day life. So through September I will tell you about trips, detentions :D and subjects (basically a school diary that I literally abuse and only write in it twice a week).

I have cancelled that 75 followers haul thing. I am going to do a cute clothing haul, this is basically based on clothes on the Internet I really like. First I'm going to do a Kid's Haul (10-12) and then a teen one (12+) They will be from normal shops (H&M, Primark etc...) But it will be their INTERNET prices and INTERNET items only.

So I am now thinking of a cute, school themed picture at the end of this blog... Errrm... Smiley face :)
That was to distract you while I was thinking (tee-hee!!) 

*Changes text size* I did that because this blog looked way too short :D now it looks MUCH better. Oh and let me just tell you about what I did today...

I joined TRAMPOLINING in my school... it's so fun!! Even though I am really rubbish at it and feel twice when we were doing freestyle and didn't cover it up professionally. Basically, I just spluttered with laughter whenever I landed something wrong... That's just how I am, unfortunately!

Anyway, look out for the clothing haul that will be coming your way sometime next week. It will be awesome and if you want any specific blogs or something like a shout out for your best friend or family member because I am going to be doing a 'Shout Out' blog for your friends and family. It is best if they have Google+ because then I can tag them on this blog and see what you have said about them. Obviously, I will not take the credit and will tag you into it as well.

So thank you so much guys for reading my beloved Y-Crew. Love you guys soooo much. And now the cute picture is...

It is a cute little girl modelling school uniform :P And once again thanks guys for reading my update and byeeeee x

Monday, 14 September 2015

MovieStarPlanet info :D

Hey guys, 
So today for my Gamers I am going to be talking about MovieStarPlanet. Now, I know there are loads of MSP people as it is literally one of the biggest gaming sites ever (not like the MineCraft sort of gaming. Like the Moshi Monsters and WoozWorld sort of gaming).

Now as you most of you know (if you have been reading my first blog), I have a MovieStarPlanet account. It IS a UK account, unfortunately, but if I get loads of people asking for a US account then I may make one. And open gifts and thank for greets and give autos etc...

Yeah... So my MovieStarPlanet account is:
im gorgeous in pink 

I am on Level 13 and I have to level up before I can add any more, so greets and autographs much appreciated.

Anyway, add me and I am going to give some shout outs to some people on MovieStarPlanet that you should add:

 Honey Cherryblossom
The Demon99

Okay, so you can also make me looks and I will wear them and everything, I want to keep my friends and everything because they make MSP more interesting and everything. Anyway, remember to add me on MovieStarPlanet. And I will also be looking to do some MovieStarPlanet Competitions, it's about clothing themes, so if you don't have clothes for a specific colour then don't worry because I will be planning to do them every month.

Okay, so thank you guys for reading. I love my Y-Crew. Don't forget to follow me on Google+ my name is: Friends Call Me Yoshi. And I have one thing left to say...


Sunday, 13 September 2015


Well I think you're happy to hear that I change the background of my blog :P it was boringly orange and now it's a beautiful purple and pinkish. If you have any suggestions on what I should change it to then I will happily take suggestions.
I might change it to a blue or something like that. But anyway let's start tagging
+Praje Yogendran +Its Twilight +Iqra Ali +Renee P +Deeaqo Ali +daisy fleur +Trinity Delpho +Sneha Bhose 
Now we MUST get more comment :P from these guys. Anyway whatssup Praje, Twilight, Iqra, Renee, Deeaqo, Daisy,Sneha and Trinity. Welcome to my blog.
I will do a shout out blog next week and I will tag people that are YOUR friends and family and tell them what you think of them. Tag that person in the comments and tell me why you love/like them and I will add them into my tagging blog.
Also give me some suggestions on some things YOU would like to see. Would you like haul blogs? Would you like tagging blogs? Would you like update blogs?
And I would love to be like +Zoella That would be awesome, coz she's amazing, but I have to be +Friends Call Me Yoshi LOL :D I tagged myself
By the way I DO know that the size of this is massive :P

Saturday, 12 September 2015

School So Far...

Well now it's the 12th of September. First week of school in the UK, well the only word I have is:
Like literally, this year is the worst, I have tons of homework and I have 2 pieces due in for Monday. You might say, "oh yeah, that's fine" but seriously, when you have it the homework takes HOURS to complete as it is really difficult. I have literally no idea how it's going to go when I am on the second term.
The most shaking thing happened yesterday as my locker key got stolen :( it was by these girls in my school they were much older than me :( I had my lock cut off to get my stuff that's inside.

But at least it was a cheap lock :P LOL

So yeah, I just need to buy it from the pound shop, I'm not dumb. If I have my locker key and I'm in Year Seven I am almost certain I will either lose it or get it stolen. So obviously I am going to buy a cheap lock. But now they have nothing to get to because I am getting a different lock :P hahahahaha!!!! I am going mental with laughter.

Anyway, what I want YOU guys to do is: comment down below what was your worst experience in school.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Comments and Followers

Hello guys, so we've reached a very important benchmark on Google+ We hit 50 followers... WHOOP WHOOP! Okay guys, lemme contain myself xP So basically, I found that a lot of you like my haul blogs. So if we reach 75 followers I will do another haul. This is going to be a clothing haul :D
So tell your Google+ friends and everybody and tell them to follow me on Google+:  Wish I Was Yasmin
I am going to change my Google name soon to: Friends Call Me Yoshi 
Do you like it? If you have any other suggestions then feel free to comment them down below and everything. And I can't wait to blog again next week. Even though I may be at school ;o

                                                          I LOVE MY Y-CREW!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Comment stuff down below because I have got almost always 0 comments ;p LOOOOOL