Sunday, 7 February 2016

My Typical Valentine's

Hello guys, so it's Valentine's Day next Sunday. Most of you are probably like OMG yessss day out with bae etc... etc...
But if you're like me then you don't have a bae... And if you do it's probably Netflix or your TV or your laptop or tablet or phone :D. So yeh, so I am going through my typical Valentine's day.

1) Get up extra late
Okay probably not THAT late, but that's because I live with two other kids who never let you sleep past 10:00am OK? Do not judge! I feel extra moody if I wake up late anyway soooooo....

2) Eat Waffles!
Yes, my waffles look like this! Probably minus the strawberry because I like to be super unhealthy on Valentine's Day. Just saying! And I eat about 3 whole ones on the trot, because I am also greedy. Don't judge!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA

3) Next Major Thing...
Don't get me wrong, I like my phone... I just like my iPad more, because it has a bigger screen... and stuff! But when your using then definitely use a phone because it's hard holding an iPad in one hand and stuff. Don't judge! I usually go on YouTube first and check my subscriptions. Generally, on Sundays on the people that I am subscribed to there are only 2 or 3 videos a day on Sundays especially in the morning.

4) The Next... Next... Major Thing
You cannot go wrong with Netflix... Just watch Netflix and Chill and eat Valentine's sweets and be sad about what I could've done if I could've just got my butt outta that door. DON'T JUDGE ME!

I used the phrase don't judge me because on my account I did a #Don'tJudgeMeChallenge
Go follow me:

Bye guysssss
-Sweet Kawaii- xox


  1. Such a cute post! I really like your blog, let me know if you would like to follow each other! x

  2. Such a cute post! I really like your blog, let me know if you would like to follow each other! x
