Obviously, because I have looked forward in what I want to do in 2016. I have to look back and see what I did in 2015. It was an amazing year where I have met the most amazing people ever. And I am going through my favourite memories of 2015 with you guys :)
1) Finding who my true friends are
Haha, I bet some of you are like "OMG ANIMEEE," I don't watch anime because I don't have Netflix and they don't show it on my TV channels. But I just love the drawings and the way they look.
Anyway, I have been through a lot of friendship groups and I'm proud of that because I have found some friends that I would never have come across if I hadn't been adventurous. But I have also found out who are the people I can't trust with a precious friendship. I have also met the best(est) of friends ever, and this is a little shout out to them. They are so kind to me and look out for me, I bet a lot of you guys can compare to this. A lot of people are very sweet, but sometimes they can hurt you terribly if you're not careful. I have made that mistake this year, but I have learnt how to overcome it and move on :)
2) Developed my singing skills
Of course, this may sound stupid, but it means a lot to me. I have a passion for singing and I have been really shy about my singing because a lot of times people have put me down. But, I finally got more confident to be able to sing in front of a large crowd. Not extremely large like an X-Factor crowd... But probably the size of a crowd in a school concert LOOOOL. But I am extremely happy that my singing skills have got better and now I am confident enough to perform. It's an amazing feeling, trust me!
3) Being told I did really well in tests
Because I just started secondary school I had A LOT of tests and I got really nervous and started panicking. But with a bit of help and encouragement from my friends and family I got a bit more confident but I totally thought I flopped. Then I got my test results and I got told I did extremely well in everything. I was so glad, but I had more tests to come which went really well. And it definitely had to go into my good memories.
4) Going to my home country again!!
I want to reveal my home country name, but I don't really want any hate or anything to happen against me. But, anyway, at Easter time I went to my home country for two weeks. It was amazing to see everyone again even if it was for two weeks. It flew past, but felt extremely long. I love each time I go to my home country. I was born in the UK guys, but my parents are from a different country! It so awesome being from two different countries, and in 2014 I found out about an auntie I never knew about (obviously my parents knew about her but I didn't.) And now, I am really close to her - just over the phone we bonded! If you guys know about seeing family in another country, it's such an amazing feeling and I love each time I go there. I will never get tired of it.
5) Starting my awesome blog for y'all!
One of my favourite memories of 2015 was starting a blog and watching it grow. I love logging in each day and checking my page views. I would love to thank you all, but I can't tag you because I can't find out who you are LOL! If you guys link your blogs I will definitely check your blogs out. I want to be part of your memory, and I think everyone deserves a chance to start up a blog and have a good time making it!
So guys, I hope you have enjoyed reading about my memories. I thought that you guys would like to read about it :) So if you would like to be up-to-date with my posts then follow me on Google+ and you will be notified each time I post.
Until then lots of love,
-Sweet Kawaii- xox