Saturday, 24 October 2015

October Favourites

Hey guys, another month has passed by and it has been AWESOME and I can't want to share with you what I have enjoyed. This is my first favourites blog and I hope you all enjoy it. I also apologize for lagging behind schedule, it is due to the amount of homework I am getting and I don't have enough time. I will try and write a lot more in the upcoming weeks.

So let's start of with music!!
So recently, I have been obsessed with the song called 'Do It Again' by Pia Mia ft Chris Brown and Tyga. It is so amazing and it's got such a good beat. I feel that Pia Mia is so talented and Chris Brown and Tyga just add to the song. It's sooooooooooooooo catchy.

Also, I really like the song 'All Around The World' by Natalie La Rose ft Fetty Wap. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH every single song I listen to is so catchy. So many people have released amazing songs. I will link all of my favourite songs right here and tell you what they are.

1) Confident by Demi Lovato

2) All Around The World by Natalie La Rose ft Fetty Wap

3) Do It Again by Pia Mia ft Chris Brown and Tyga

So if you haven't read my review, GIRL ONLINE BY ZOELLA is my favourite book right now. She has just released Girl Online On Tour (which is the second book) you can go and order it now. I am predicting that Girl Online 2 is going to be even better than the first book.
Everyone in my school is crazy about it!!!!!!!
And once again my favourite make up brand is also by a YouTuber. It is Tanya Burr Cosmetics. I am just IN LOVE, she knows exactly what a girl wants in her make up pallet. She has the perfect colours and the names are even better.
Her nail varnishes look flawless, my favourite is probably 'Duvet Day' which is this blueish grey. It looks SO sophisticated and awesome!! My mum also loves wearing 'Duvet Day.' 
You should go and buy her stuff, they're available in Superdrug and all the cosmetics stores RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

So guys, that is all I have for my October Favourites. I hope you like it. <3 Enjoy Life As It Comes <3 It's time we say bye October and...

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Book Review - Girl Online

OH MY GOD!!!!!! For two things:
1) Because someone has FINALLY lent me their book Girl Online

2) +Zoella's book is BAE

I quickly read it because on her Instagram and her book that her NEW book is coming out soon. It is really good. I will quickly tell you what I liked without giving too much of the story away. JUST IN CASE!! And I don't want my blog deleted because people might want the book bought not told for free, because it took ages for her to think up.

So just in case you cannot read the blurb it says:
Penny has a secret.
Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about friendships, boys, her crazy family and panic attacks that have begun to take over her life. WHen things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets Noah; a gorgeous, guitar strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.

But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and closest friendship - forever...

What I like about this is that it's engaging and has a really good twist in the last paragraph, I will go into more detail in what I like in the next bit.

I really like how chatty and engaging the story is, I also love how dramatic it is but how chilled it is at other parts. It is beautifully told and I think that Zoella has a great imagination. Also, about the ghostwriter thingy majig, I don't really mind, because she helped her not did all of the work. So I think that Zoella had a good rough sketch of the story and Siobhan helped her develop it. I am so proud and so amazed by their brilliant work. This is one of the best selling first books for someone... EVER!! 
It is brilliantly amazingly mind blowingly AMAZINGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that YouTuber's books are becoming more popular and I think it takes talent and a good message to get a best selling book and more and more YouTuber's are getting onto the best selling list. Please do not hate about the ghostwriting and I hope all of you are as excited about her second book as I am. And just for you guys I am showing you the hardback's  front cover.

ISN'T IT BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED!! Also, these colours are based on the book cover, did you notice? Comment below if you did
^-^ Happy Bunny ^-^

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

How to become a chocolate ninja!

Teehee!! I have a chocolate theme on this blog post. I lurve chocolate!! Doesn't everyone like it? But I think this colour is a bit too light... Meh! Who cares?!
Anyway, I just really have this obsession with chocolate, it's just when you're home alone, the first thing you think is 'food' I don't know if it's just me but that's all I think about. I go to the cupboard (it's quite hard to reach because all of the treats are in the cupboard.)
All of the sweets, biscuits and CHOCOLATES are stored up there, so I have to open the cupboard and try and keep my balance WHILE rifling inside the cupboard to grab treats. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT open packets that are closed, because then it will be so obvious that you have been looking in the sweet jar/cupboard etc...
I'm lucky because my mum keeps a pack of JAFFA CAKES and CHOCOLATES and BISCUITS in the cupboard and 90% of the time it's open. So I get to snack on loads of things. But you have to be careful, and you have to know the approximate time that someone is coming back.
Also, to have the maximum amount of fun that you can, put your favourite song at the moment and jam out with that in your bedroom. Trust me, it is soooooo fun!!!
Oh and guys, next blog post will be about my favourite books to read, and they will consist of some Jacqueline Wilson books and even some YouTuber's books.
Please please PLEASE tell me in the comments if +Tanya Burr has a book. And if she hasn't please +Tanya Burr can you make a book, I will totes buy it!!


Saturday, 3 October 2015

My Own Shout Outs

Well something I did was a total flop :P No one wanted to give a shout out to a loved one. So I am giving shout outs to people that mean so much to me and I can't live without. They are on Google+ (Gmail) so they know what I'm saying about them. And it's also so you lovely Y-Crew members can follow them :)

Firstly, I want to give a shout out to:
+Praje Yogendran for always being there for me, and still being loyal to me even though we don't go to the same school. I am so lucky to have you in my life :) I hope that other people get to experience how amazing you are :)

The second shout out is going to:
+Sneha Bhose for being such a kind and helpful person, I had my phone broken and I couldn't call you. You got so worried and even called my mum, this shows that you really care about me. Also, thanks for still talking to me even though we are miles apart.

The third shout out goes to:
Renee P I can't find her account when I tag her :(
This is for being an amazing friend, I know that we're no longer friends (since two weeks ago) but this is before. Thanks for sticking with me on the first day of school even though you were already popular. I wish that our friendship could last forever but alas it is already broken.

And my last one is a family member:
+Badia She is the best auntie ever! She is so kind and really thoughtful, we hardly see her because she lives all the way in Morocco (and she can speak English) but she still loves us all the same. She always treats us when we're at her house and we see all her wonderful kittens they are the cutest little angels ever. She is also an angel herself, she is so beautiful and kind that it is unimaginable :) I love you so much!!!

So go and follow all these amazing people. And until next time. Bub-bye

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Five Top Tips ft An Apology

I need to apologize guys, I haven't been consistent with my blog. It's just I've been so worked up with school and homework. But I promise I will write a lot more. So I'm really sorry to all my followers who were looking forward to my blog. I hope you're happy this is posted, but you might be sad because it's just one big apology.

So... Now we've got THAT out of the way. I am going to give you 'Five top tips to survive Year 7.' If you're in America Year 7 is Grade 6. However, we move school after Grade 5 (Year 6) to a new school and stay there until Year 11 (Grade 10.) It must be really confusing!!

So my first top tip is...
1) Don't worry, just chill
I'm saying that because if ypu're more relaxed when you enter secondary school, you will look much cooler and people will see that you're confident and you're more likely to have more friends (it worked for me)

Top tip numero two is...!!!
2) Just do your homework

Homework is going to be there whether you liked it or not, but if you just do it and do it well then you're teachers are more likely 
to like you and then you will feel much better at school instead of getting constantly screamed at because you're not doing your homework.

Number Three of my Terrific Top Tips is..,
Join all clubs that you want to go to!
That's because you will be able to find people with the same interests as you, it will make your experience much more fun. And my form tutor (my teacher) is always encouraging us to join all the clubs we can.

Top Tip Number Four is...
Try to make the most of your lessons
It will make them seem much more fun even the ones that you don't like! It works for me :P Hahaha!!!

Always make another group of friends apart from your primary school friends
My friend, she was my primary school friend and she ditched me because I was hanging out with other people. If I hadn't made another group of friends then I would be all lonely. Make sure that you don't stick with one friend because you will regret it later.

So that is the end of my lovely five top tips!!! I hope it helps you like it helped me!!! 

I love you my dear Y-Crew xox